Curious about your intuition?

Dates 3rd Feb / 10th Feb / 17th Feb / 24th Mar / 31st Mar
When Mondays from 4pm till 5:30pm
Where FG Basel (exact room to be announced)

Do you hesitate choosing a major, partner, or plan? Learn to trust and develop your intuition!

This course teaches you how to connect with your inner voice to make better decisions, solve problems, and communicate more effectively. Learn what intuition is, how it works, and how to differentiate it from fear or desire. Prestigious schools like Harvard emphasize the importance of intuition, and you can too.

Course Includes
• ractical tools to develop intuition
• rusting it in all areas of life
• ailor-made private sessions available

Strengthen your inner guide—like a muscle—with expert support!

Costs 350 CHF (Interne), 450 CHF (Externe)
Target group 13 - 19 years old students and adults
English A2 is required. The course will be held in English and the instructor speaks German if necessary (B1).


Until the 17th of January Later registration by arrangement


Velo-Wettbewerb am FG


Second Hand Shopping